Be on the lookout for an email from Zoe at Pine and Poplar, and be sure to check your spam or promotions folder if you don't see it within 15 minutes.

In the meantime, if you're ready to build magazine-worthy furniture without a ton of tools, be sure to take advantage of this one-time offer to get Pocket Holes: Explained for just $15 (normally $35)!

Getting started with DIY? You won't want to miss this.

Pocket holes are the secret to building magazine-worthy furniture without a ton of tools or intense woodworking skills.

In fact, we use them on at least 95% of our DIY furniture builds. Pocket holes are a skills every DIYer needs to master.

Now you might be wondering...what's a pocket hole and how do I make them?

That's where Pocket Holes: Explained comes in. This video course will teach you everything you need to know about pocket holes. Seriously. There's not a more comprehensive pocket hole course out there.

And for the next 30 minutes, you can enroll (and get lifetime access) for just $15.

Total Value: $99

Regular Price: $35

Today's Price: $15

"I’m working my way through all your amazing cheat sheets and videos and there is SO much useful information in them. Thank you!"


Even "beginner-friendly" plans can easily go right over your head if you're just getting started. You see, most project plans assume you already know the basics of DIY.

They include buzz words and skills that everyone seems to know, but leave you feeling more and more confused...

Maybe you've tried a project or two, but they didn't turn out like the pictures...

Or maybe, you haven't started yet because you don't know where to start or you're scared to make a mistake...

Learning to DIY can feel like learning a foreign language.

What if instead of feeling overwhelmed and confused,

you felt confident reading DIY plans and actually building furniture you loved?

The Beginner's Guide to DIY is designed to shorten your DIY learning curve so you can build more impressive furniture with less frustration.

It's everything we wish we knew before starting our first project, laid out in one easy-to-digest guide.

  • Includes 30+ pages of no-fluff information and advice from years of research and hundreds of projects

  • Easy-to-read charts that break down what each tool is used for, different joinery methods and when to use each one, the real sizing of wood, and more

  • Practical tool tips that will make DIY projects easier and advice on how to confidently (and safely) learn how to use any tool

  • BONUS: DIY Glossary so you can understand common (and confusing) DIY terms in an instant

  • BONUS: 4 printable project plans (C side table, hexagon planters, TV console with sliding barn doors, and bathroom vanity)

  • BONUS: Get our popular cheatsheet for finding time to DIY

Total Value: $165

Normal Price: $48

Today's Price: $19

Here's What You'll Learn

  • The Who, What, When of Pocket Holes - what even is a pocket hole? when should I use them? Who/what is a Kreg Jig??

  • The How - how to figure out your pocket hole settings, drilling best practices, and video walkthroughs of the 3 most popular Kreg Jig models in action - the 310, 520PRO, and the 720

  • The Where - we'll tackle the most commonly asked pocket hole question: where do I drill pocket holes? How many do I need? What side of the board should they be on? How do you know where to place them?

  • But what about... Let's talk about all those weird pocket hole situations. What if I have angled cuts or boards that are two different thicknesses?? What about wood glue and getting into tight spaces?

  • NEW BONUS: Pocket hole troubleshooting. Run into an issue when drilling pocket holes? We've got you! We'll show you how to fix common pocket hole errors and how to prevent them from happening again.

Pocket holes were the foundation of each of these projects:

"I just finished watching your Kreg Jig tutorial and wanted to thank you. I feel so much more comfortable trying my first project!"

- Forbie -

Hi, I'm Zoe, and I want to help you confidently DIY.

Since picking up my first power tool, I've completed hundreds of DIY projects and have built countless pieces of magazine-worthy furniture (seriously, my DIYs have been in real-life magazines!)

But, it didn't start out that way.

Power tools (and hammers) completely terrified me and all of DIY felt like a foreign language.

After years of trial and error, countless hours of research, and hundreds of projects, I'm sharing all the things I've learned so that you can become a confident DIYer without the "I want to pull out my hair in frustration" learning curve.

I've helped hundreds of people overcome their fear of power tools and become fearless furniture builders. I firmly believe that anyone can learn to DIY. If I can do it, so can you. So what are you waiting for?

"You are such an incredible teacher! Thank you for all that you do!"


Let's take a closer peek at what's inside.

The guide is broken down into 4 key sections:

Wood 101

✓ The real dimensions of wood and the one type that doesn't follow the same measuring rule, so you don't waste time and money on boards that aren't actually the right size

✓ The pros and cons of common wood types and when to use each one

✓ Simple rules for selecting wood that will make your projects easier to build and look more professional

✓ How to get large pieces of wood home in your car (no truck required)

✓ And more

Tools 101

  • The 5 tools every DIYer needs and what they are used for

  • Tools that make projects easier, faster, and more precise (for when you're ready to take your projects to the next level)

  • Practical tool tips we wish we knew before we got started

  • Ways to learn your tools safely

  • And more

Building Basics

  • Pros and cons of joinery methods and when you should use each one

  • Kreg Jig 101 | what's a pocket hole/Kreg Jig, when to use pocket holes and how to set up your Kreg Jig

  • Measuring and cutting tips to make your cuts faster and more accurate

  • And more

Making Projects Look More Professional

  • Everything you need to know about sanding, so that your projects feel nice and smooth and aren't covered in splinters

  • Caulk vs. wood filler - the basics and what you need to know to get better results

  • Bonus tips to make your projects look AMAZING

  • And more

Become a Confident DIYer without all the...


Wasted time.


Wasted money.



Let's talk BONUSES.

DIY Glossary

This glossary is GOLD. Run across a DIY term you don't understand? Simply look it up and make sense of common (and confusing) DIY terms in an instant.

Find Time to DIY

Want to DIY, but feel like you don't have the time? We're giving you our best tips and times to squeeze DIY into your busy schedule. Soon enough, it'll be a regular part of your week (and probably the thing you look forward to the most)!

4 Project Plans

We're including 4 printable project plans so you can start building right away. Each plan is complete with 3D renderings to make them even easier to follow.

"This Beginner's Guide to DIY is such a valuable resource to have! I especially loved the overview of the different measurements of wood and learning how to use your tools. I'll be referring back to this time and again!"


The Beginner's Guide to DIY is designed to shorten your DIY learning curve so you can build more impressive furniture with less frustration.

It's everything we wish we knew before starting our first project, laid out in one easy-to-digest guide.

  • Includes 30+ pages of no-fluff information and advice from years of research and hundreds of projects

  • Easy-to-read charts that break down what each tool is used for, different joinery methods and when to use each one, the real sizing of wood, and more

  • Practical tool tips that will make DIY projects easier and advice on how to confidently (and safely) learn how to use any tool

  • BONUS: DIY Glossary so you can understand common (and confusing) DIY terms in an instant

  • BONUS: 4 printable project plans (C side table, hexagon planters, TV console with sliding barn doors, and bathroom vanity)

  • BONUS: Get our popular cheatsheet for finding time to DIY

Total Value: $165

Normal Price: $48

Today's Price: $19

What people are saying about The Beginner's Guide to DIY

"This beginner’s guide was so helpful in explaining how to choose wood for a project and has great tips to make projects go smoothly that I never would have known! I definitely feel more confident buying supplies at Lowes/Home Depot."

I’m excited to start building things now that I understand the reason for each step and I feel like I can measure and build my own furniture now."


"I have never done anything like this before, so I got this Beginner’s Guide to DIY. I was immediately pleased I did. Within the first few pages, I got a few tips that changed how I even started the project. Who knew a 2x4 isn’t actually 2” by 4”? I certainly didn't!

This guide is incredibly thorough and answers every question I had, plus even more that I didn’t even know I had."


"I really enjoyed reading through the Beginner's Guide to DIY! It was straightforward, detailed, had great information, and to the point with no fluff taking up pages! I would definitely recommend the guide to anyone wanting to try their hand at DIY!"


Zoe breaks down the concepts in easy-to-understand sections. I love that she provides enough detail to help you understand the basics without being overwhelming. I feel confident that I could successfully take on a beginner DIY furniture project and I’m excited to give it a try!"


"I really wanted to start tinkering with some DIY projects, but I didn't know where to start. The Beginner's Guide to DIY was a great way to understand what I was getting into, learn about different materials, and plan my tool purchases in a logical way. I definitely recommend it for anyone starting out in DIY!"


Wait...I have a question!


The Beginner's Guide to DIY is a digital PDF download. You'll have lifetime access and receive any future updates to the guide at no added cost. The guide is broken down into four main sections: Wood 101, Tools 101, Building Basics, and Making Projects Look More Professional.

As an added bonus, you'll also receive 4 project plans, the DIY Glossary, and our tips for finding time to DIY.


You're in for a treat. The Beginner's Guide to DIY will help you:

  • Learn the basics of DIY

  • Know what type of wood to use on your project

  • Understand what tools to buy based on your DIY goals

  • Make cuts more efficiently and accurately

  • Understand when to use nails vs. screws

  • Avoid common beginner DIY mistakes

  • Make your projects look more professional in just a few simple steps


This is the perfect place for you to start! This guide is complete with all the things we wish we knew before we got started. We break everything down to the basics so that you don't have to wonder things like what's a pocket hole? while you're reading through the guide.


At this time the Beginner's Guide to DIY is only available in digital PDF format. You can print the entire bundle and have it bound or keep it in a 3-ring binder, or you can print just the pages you want to have available for quick reference.


Immediately! It's a digital guide, so you'll be able to download it right away. Download it on your computer, tablet, and phone so that you have it any time you want to reference it.


We're confident that this guide will clear up questions you have about DIY and answer plenty more that you haven't even thought of yet, but if for any reason you're not satisfied, we do provide a 14-day happiness guarantee.


No way. We’re not trying to be intense woodworkers with tens of thousands of dollars worth of equipment. We’re trying to save money by building our own furniture and tackling home DIY projects. In the guide, I’ll cover the 5 power tools that will get you through 95% of DIY projects.

And don’t think that means you need them all at once. What you’ll need varies on a project-by-project basis, so I’ll lay out what tools you’ll want first if you’re looking to build furniture vs. adding accent walls.

If you don’t want to invest in power tools right away, that’s okay too. You can borrow tools from friends and family, or look into rental options from your local home improvement stores.


Neither did I! We all have to start somewhere. I won’t teach you how exactly to use your tools because that kind of information is best served in a video format, but I will walk you through how I learned to use power tools and give you some general tips I’ve learned over the years. You'll walk away knowing exactly how to learn how to use your specific brand and tool.


Are you new to DIY? Do you want to avoid unnecessary frustration? Do you want a single place to look for information rather than spending hours searching the internet only to feel more confused? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, this guide was made for you.

Still not sure if it's right for you? Shoot me an email at zoe@pineandpoplar.com.


A lot of plans online assume you already know a lot more than you do if you're just getting started. The Beginner's Guide to DIY is designed to cut your learning curve and help you avoid common mistakes and frustrations that beginners tend to run into.


Yes! We're including 4 printable project plans as a bonus for the Beginner's Guide to DIY so you can start building right away. The guide is perfect to read before following a plan or to reference while creating a project.

Included Plans: C Side Table, Hexagon Planters, TV Console with Sliding Barn Doors, and Bathroom Vanity

We're confident that this guide will clear up questions you have about pocket holes and answer plenty more that you haven't even thought of yet, but if for any reason you're not completely satisfied with this purchase, we do provide a 14-day money-back guarantee.

Ready to build magazine-worthy furniture? Get started today.

  • Video walkthroughs that are easy-to-digest

  • Helpful cheatsheets that you can print out and reference during any future build

  • Lifetime access and free updates

Total Value: $100

Normal Price: $35

Today's Price: $15


"This guide was so great and detailed!"